Company News Archives
Univertical Donates ICP-MS To Local College
Recently Univertical purchased a new Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer as part of a technology upgrade. An ICP – MS is used to determine levels of certain elements contained in a sample. At Univertical we use the ICP – MS and two ICP – OES in the certification process of the products that we manufacture. The […]
Univertical Employee Jack Beck Raises Funds for Pediatric Cancer Research
This fall, Univertical’s Jack Beck participated in the 2022 DANCINWITHROSELYNN Ruck. Rucking is a form of exercise, and the concept is simple: it’s walking or hiking a set distance while carrying a weight on your back. Jack started in the Morgan-Monroe State Forest and rucked 46+ miles with a 45lb. Rucksack to the Brown County […]
Spanish Product Lists
Spanish Product Lists We’ve added all new Spanish Product List PDF’s to all our product pages!