Community Values
At Univertical LLC we encourage our employees to give back to their local communities. This means more than just writing a check or a payroll deduction to your favorite charity. It involves the giving of your time and talent as well. We believe when you give your time and talent, you learn to appreciate your neighbor whose life circumstances are less fortunate.
In 2009 Univertical LLC employees were instrumental in assisting Boomerang Backpacks with implementing their program in Steuben County. (The Boomerang Backpack program is a free weekend food distribution program that provides students enrolled in free or reduced lunch programs a backpack filled with healthy foods on the weekend.) Univertical employees contributed their own funds and for every dollar donated, Univertical Corporation matched their donation. The employee’s efforts raised $15,000 to start the program in Angola Elementary schools. This gift was the largest contribution to the program by any business in Steuben County.
In 2010 Univertical LLC employees stepped up their efforts to donate to the program by giving their time and talent, as well as their treasure. Employees lent a hand by operating a booth for Boomerang Backpacks at the annual two day Fall Festival. They passed out brochures, sold food and collected donations for the non-profit organization. In addition, Univertical employee contributions to the program in 2010 were matched dollar for dollar, once again, by Univertical Corporation.
We also partner with Rise Industrial Services, a workshop in the community which promotes self-sufficiency for individuals with challenges. Rise works closely with our purchasing staff to keep our production facility supplied with packing boxes. Beginning in 2006, Rise has hosted “Rise to the Occasion” as their annual fundraiser. Univertical Corporation has been a major sponsor for this event since its inception.
Univertical LLC reached out beyond the local community in 2010 by supporting economic growth in Northeast Indiana. To assist with economic development in their local region, Univertical contributed funds to Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership (NEIRP). NEIRP is dedicated to attracting new business investment to a 10 county region with Steuben County located in the region they are serving.
Univertical believes that charity starts at home and Angola is our home. Therefore in honor of our employees, a contribution was made to the Angola Downtown Fund to beautify Angola. Park benches were purchased with the funds as part of the beautification. Univertical Corporation also sponsors the annual Fall Festival hosted by the Angola Chamber of Commerce as well as Steuben County Community Foundation’s annual fundraiser.
We are active with the local Emergency Response Committee, with employees serving as members on their board. We have a strong working relationship with the local police department, fire department, emergency response teams and the local hospitals in handling all types of safety issues. Due to our strong commitment to safety for our employees and the community, we recently contributed to the Angola Fire Department assisting them in purchasing equipment for their ongoing training program.
Univertical does not stop at just assisting small non-profits either. Since relocating to in Indiana 1998, Univertical has partnered with Trine University by offering internships to their students. Each summer we employ multiple interns, giving them valuable work experience with a global manufacturer. Recently, one of the students received the opportunity to internship at our plant in Suzhou, China for a semester. In addition to our internships at Trine, our president and several managers serve on various boards at the University including one for leadership.
Univertical LLC and our employees have served on boards, been involved with coaching kid’s sports teams, given time in assisting with fundraisers and donated funds to a diverse group of local organizations. Since our relocation to Steuben County in Angola, Indiana, we have supported Angola Kid’s League, Angola Rotary Club, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Cahoots, Habit for Humanity, Project Help, Santa’s Helpers, Steuben Country Literacy Coalition, Whitetails Unlimited and various school groups, as well as the other organizations previously listed.
At Univertical Corporation, we believe giving means more than just writing a check or donating pocket change. We hope through our charitable giving and volunteering our time and talent, we have left a lasting impact on the lives of our neighbors and made a difference in our community.
Univertical LLC supports social responsibility in its activities. Employees will maintain accountable, transparent, ethical behavior in their company activites; treating all individuals and organizations as they would like to be treated. Social responsible behavior respects the stakeholder interests of all parties in terms of human rights, health and safety, human development, the enviroment, climate change, fair operating practices and support of the community. Univertical LLC practices responsible raw material sourcing by purchasing only Conflict-Free minerals for our effected products.