Career Opportunities
Univertical is always looking for smart, energetic, and career-minded people to help us continue our tradition of success and innovation.
We are a global leader in the manufacture of High-Purity Chemicals and High-Purity Metals for the world-wide Surface Finishing Industry. The markets we serve include Proprietary Chemical Manufacturing, Printed Circuit Board Plating, Plating-on-Plastic, Gravure Plating, Electronics Plating, and General Surface Finishing with Semiconductor capabilities available. Our headquarters and primary manufacturing facility is located in Angola, Indiana. We also have a thriving sister company in Suzhou, China and are exploring the possibility of opening a third facility. We currently export material from the U.S. to 18 countries around the world.
We are an Equal-Opportunity Employer, and are dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment on any basis, including race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or other classes protected by applicable federal, state, or local law.
If no jobs are available, please send us your resume or fill out an application (available in our lobby). Send your resume and cover letter to CAREERS@UNIVERTICAL.COM. Thank you for your interest in Univertical.